hey nice to meet to again this topic is just soo... funny and really unique

“Eat lots of chocolates when time gets tough, and eat even more when times are great.”Chocolate Day Graphics, Comments, Images for Myspace, Orkut, Hi5 | Easter  baby photos, Baby easter pictures, Easter humor

In a world full of stress, depression, tensions, and a burden of unlimited responsibilities, there is only one thing that can excite my happy hormones and change my mood in seconds are chocolates. I must say that if you are a chocolate lover then you are also thinking the same. Just take a moment and imagine that the word “chocolate” is not just a word it is a feeling of joy, happiness, love, and also an emotion of sadness as well.

If I can tell you some interesting facts about chocolates, you will definitely feel something out of this world because it is not just an eating item, it can be the most important part of our life at any moment.
Firstly, when we are talking about chocolates, how can we forget cocoa? Cocoa, the key ingredient of chocolate, contains biologically active compounds that can provide us health benefits like aging, blood pressure regulation, stress management, and much more.

10 Best Chocolate Recipes | Times Food

Secondly, dark chocolate has more cocoa in it and it will provide more health benefits because it contains less sugar and fat. It also gives you relaxation and calms your brain.
Thirdly, it can prevent us from certain cardiovascular diseases, also help in lowering cholesterol levels but above all, it can make us happy and that’s the most important benefit of eating chocolate.
But the question is why chocolate never asks stupid questions like most of the people around us? Because its melting point is almost 32°C which is less than a human body. So maybe that’s the reason why chocolates never ask silly questions like us and just understand our feelings calmly and silently.

How dark chocolate could boost brain health, immunity

So next time when you get irritated or feeling upset go and buy chocolate for yourself it will not ask anything. First, live for yourself and try to make yourself a happy and positive person because if we can’t motivate ourselves then we can’t make our society a better place to live. If one smile, one chocolate, one flower, one line of kindness can change our own lives then it will surely change the life of many people around us. So eat more chocolates and share even more..!

this was for this time's blog see you soon in my next blog 



author- shambhvi Singh

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